Who we are

The Independent Monitoring Authority for Citizens’ Rights Agreements (IMA) is an independent non-departmental public body. This means that although we are funded by the UK Government, we operate independently to ensure our work is objective and impartial.

More information on our relationship with the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) is set out in our Framework Agreement. As an independent, non-departmental public body, we are governed by our board and team of directors.

Our non-executive board members are:

  • Ronnie Alexander
  • Punam Birly
  • Joyce Cullen
  • Marcus Killick
  • Leo O’Reilly

All are appointed by the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice. The Board will meet quarterly each year. It delegates day to day management to the Chief Executive and staff. You can read our board agendas and minutes further down on this page.

The executive team at the IMA head three directorates which are overseen by our Chief Executive. The team includes:

  • Miranda Biddle, Chief Executive
  • Andrew Bagley, Director of Governance and Corporate Services
  • Rhys Davies, General Counsel
  • Pam Everett, Director of Operational Delivery

Latest board agendas and meetings

Our board will meet four times in 2024, and the minutes and agendas of those meetings will be available on our website.

Also available to read are the board terms of reference and their registers of interest.

Board Meetings

Thursday 21 March 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

Thursday 19 September 2024

Thursday 12 December 2024

Board Committees
The following Committees have been established now all Board members have been appointed; and will each meet on quarterly basis.

Audit and risk committee – Chair; Leo O’Reily
Delivery and Impact Committee – Chair; Marcus Killick
HR and Remuneration Committee – Chair; Purnam Birly

View all our board agendas and meetings here

Citizens Panel

The citizens’ panel was set up so that the IMA could hear directly from EU and EEA EFTA citizens and their family members. They act as critical friends to the IMA, drawing on their lived experience to support and challenge the way in which the organisation works.

Members have met virtually twice a year with representatives from the IMA team including our Chief Executive. As well as sharing their experiences of life as EU and EEA EFTA citizens, and those of their family members, panel members also give feedback on the IMA’s work.

All members are aged 16 or over, live in the UK or Gibraltar and come from one of the 27 EU countries or Iceland, Liechtenstein, or Norway.

Report a complaint

You can submit a complaint to the IMA via our complaints portal.