
Citizens’ Rights Watchdog Marks Third Year in Operation

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As the Independent Monitoring Authority for the Citizens’ Rights Agreements (IMA) marks its third year in operation it is reflecting on some of the areas where it has taken action to ensure the rights of EU and EEA EFTA citizens and their family members are being upheld by public bodies.

The IMA was established at 11pm on 31 December 2020. We were set up to monitor public bodies in the UK and Gibraltar to ensure they are upholding citizens’ rights as well promote the rights to which EU and EEA EFTA citizens and their family members are entitled to receive.

These rights broadly give European citizens the rights to live here, working, studying and raising their families as they did before the UK left the EU.

During our first three years in operation some of the work we’ve undertaken has included:

The IMA encourages citizens and their family members who believe their rights are not being upheld to make them aware of this through their online portal.

Miranda Biddle, IMA Chief Executive said:

“When the IMA launched three years ago it was with a clear intent to do all we can to make sure the lives of EU and EEA EFTA citizens and their family members living here and in Gibraltar, raising their families, working, studying and receiving support where needed could continue as normal after the UK left the EU.

“As part of this we have always been keen to work with public bodies to ensure we can bring swift resolution to any issues so that citizens receive those rights to which they are entitled with as little inconvenience and interruption as possible.

“From the work we have undertaken I think we have demonstrated that we are not afraid to take action where it is needed and we look forward to continuing to work with public bodies and our stakeholders to ensure that citizens and their family members can continue to exercise their rights.”