IMA Chair Steps Down
The Chairman of the Independent Monitoring Authority for the Citizens’ Rights Agreements (IMA), Sir Ashley Fox resigned with immediate effect on Monday 11 September after being selected as the Parliamentary Candidate for the Bridgwater constituency for the Conservative Party.
The IMA’s Deputy Chair Leo O’Reilly will provide leadership of the IMA board in the immediate period.
The IMA, Ministry of Justice and the public appointments team are now working at pace to confirm arrangements for this interim period and to commence a recruitment process for the permanent position of Chair.
Sir Ashley Fox said:
“I have been honoured to be the inaugural Chair of the IMA. During the last three years I have been privileged to work alongside colleagues across the organisation to help to establish the IMA and ensure the important work of ensuring the rights of EU and EEA EFTA citizens living in the UK and Gibraltar since the UK left the EU are upheld by public bodies.
“I am proud of what has been achieved so far and know that thanks to the dedication of all who work at the IMA that this will continue.”
Chief Executive of the IMA, Miranda Biddle said:
“On behalf of the IMA I would like to thank Sir Ashley for his contribution during the last three years as we have successfully established the IMA.
“His personal commitment that we should promote and protect the rights of those EU and EEA EFTA citizens who have rights under the Withdrawal and Separation Agreements to continue to live, work and raise families as they did before the UK left the EU is evident in all we do.”