New Chair for IMA
Nicole Lappin has been appointed as the new Chair of the Independent Monitoring Authority for the Citizens’ Rights Agreements (IMA) by the Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor.
Nicole’s appointment follows an open recruitment competition and assessment process, conducted in accordance with the Governance Code on Public Appointments, including a pre-appointment hearing before the Justice Select Committee on December 10th.
Nicole brings a wealth of experience to the role of chair of the IMA. She continues to Chair the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and Chairs a fitness to practise committee for the Pharmaceutical Society in Northern Ireland. Nicole has previously been the Chair at the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service and was the Chief Commissioner at the Northern Ireland Charity Commission.
Nicole said, “I am delighted to have been endorsed as the next Chair of the IMA and am looking forward to taking up this role in the New Year.
“I am grateful for the work of the previous Chair Sir Ashley Fox, the Interim Chair Leo O’Reilly, as well as the wider Board and executive team in helping to establish the IMA and make sure it is undertaking its important duties to help EU citizens and their family members to continue to live, work and raise their families in the UK and Gibraltar as they did before Brexit.”
Chief Executive of the IMA, Miranda Biddle added: “We are looking forward to welcoming Nicole to the IMA. Her previous experience across health, justice, education as well as her involvement in partnership working and with the regulation of the voluntary sector will ensure the IMA continues to consider the citizen perspective and work towards making a difference to the lives of EU and EEA EFTA citizens and their family members.
“I would also like to take this opportunity to once again thank Leo for being the IMA’s Interim Chair since September 2023 and pay tribute to his commitment, support and leadership of the IMA. We look forward to continuing to work with Leo as he continues in his role as Deputy Chair of the IMA.”